Dae-Soung Kim VITA
Present position and
Professor, Dept. of e-business
Gyonggi College of Science and Technology
Siheung City, Jungwang-Dong 2121-3
Gyonggi-Do 429-450
Tel : 031-496-4775(W), 010-3775-7616(C.P)
E-mail : dskim@gtec.ac.kr
Ph.D. : Georgia State University (USA) (1990-1995)
Major : Theoretical atomic and molecular physics
Thesis title : The photodetachment/photoionization of He-, Li and Be+
Thesis advisor : Professor, Steven T. Manson.
University : Georgia State University
Department of Physics and Astronomy
Atlanta, GA 30303, USA
M.A. : Kangwon National University (Korea) (1983-1985)
B.A. : Kangwon National University (Korea) (1979-1983)
Visiting Scholar 1998 to 1999
Physics Department
Clark Atlanta University
Atlanta, Georgia 30314, USA
Post Doctoral Research Associate 1995 to 1997
Center for Molecular Science (KAIST)
Teaching and Research Assistant 1990 to 1995
Georgia State University
Department of Physics and Astronomy
Atlanta, GA 30303, USA
Publication List
Dae-Soung Kim and Duck-Hee Kwon,
Photoionization of the Be-Like N3+ and Ne6+ Ions: Feature of Be isoelectronic sequences
Journal of Physics B : At. Mol. Opt. Phys. , submitted
Dae-Soung Kim and Hee-Chul Kim,
Theoretical Photoionization of the Be-Like F5+ Ion: Absolute, Total, and Channel Cross Sections for the Ground 2s2 and Excited 2s2p 1,3P States
Journal of Physical Society of Japan 80, 094302 (2011).
Dae-Soung Kim and Steven T. Manson,
Photoionization of the Be-like O4+ ion: total and partial cross sections for the ground 2s2 1S and excited 2s2p 1,3P states
Journal of Physics B : At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 43, 155205(2010)
Dae-Soung Kim and Fumihiro Koike,
Irregularity of Autoionizing Rydberg Series in Photoionization Leading to the Si3+ 3§¤ States from the Mg-LikeSi2+ Ions,
Journal of Physical Society of Japan 77, 124302 (2008).
Dae-Soung Kim and Young Soon Kim,
Theoretical photoionization spectra in the UV photon energy range for a Mg-like Al+ ion
Journal of Physics B : At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 41, 165002 (2008).
Dae-Soung Kim and Young Soon Kim,
Characteristics of photoionization in the XUV domain for the excited 1s22s2p 1,3Po states of the Be-like C2+ ion
Journal of Physics B : At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 40, 3807 (2007).
Dae-SoungKim and Young Soon Kim,
Calculation of absolute cross sections for photoionization of the N3+ ion
Journal of Korean Physical Society 51, 312 (2007)
Dae-Soung Kim and Young Soon Kim,
Photoionization leading to the Al2+ 3l states from the ground-state of Mg-like Al+ ion
Journal of Physical Society of Japan 76, 014302 (2007).
Dae-Soung Kim and Steven T. Manson,
Theoretical study of the photoionization of the excited 1 s22s2p 1,3P states of the Be-like B+ ion
Physical Review A 71, 032701 (2005)
Dae-Soung Kim and Hak-Chul Kang
Photoelectron Angular Distributions for Photoionization of the Be-like B+ Ion
Journal of Physical Society of Japan 74, 317 (2005)
Dae-Soung Kim and Steven T. Manson
Photoionization of the ground state of the Be-like C2+ ion leading to C3+ 2l and 3l states
Journal of Physics B : At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 37, 4707 (2004).
Dae-Soung Kim and Steven T. Manson
Photoionization of the ground-state Be-like B+ ion leading to the n=2 and n=3 states of B2+
Journal of Physics B : At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 37, 4013 (2004).
Dae-Soung Kim
Rydberg Series in the Photoionization of the excited 1s22s3s 1,3Se states of atomic beryllium
Journal of Japanese Applied Physics 43, 1612 (2004).
Dae-Soung Kim
Autoionizing Rydberg Series in the Photoionization of Ground State of Be-like B+ Ion
Journal of Korean Physical Society 44, 260 (2004)
Dae-Soung Kim
B-Prameters Leading to the Ionic Mg+(3s 2S) State from the Photoionization of the Excited 3s3p 1,3Po States of Atomic Magnesium,
Journal of Korean Physical Society 39, 984 (2001)
Dae-Soung Kim, S. Tayal, Hsiao-Ling Zhou and Steven T. Manson
Photoionization of the excited 1s22s2p 1,3P states of atomic beryllium
Physical Review A 64, 042713 (2001)
Dae-Soung Kim
Photoionization of the excited 3s3p 1,3Po states of atomic magnesium
Journal of Physics B : At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 34, 2615 (2001)
Dae-Soung Kim and S. Tayal
Autoionizing resonances in the photoionization of ground state atomic magnesium
Journal of Physics B : At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 33, 3235 (2000)
Dae-Soung Kim, S. Tayal, Hsiao-Ling Zhou, and Steven T. Manson
Photoionization of atomic beryllium from the ground state
Physical Review A 61, 062701 (2000)
Dong-Eon Kim, Dae-Soung Kim, and Albert L. Osterheld
Characteristics of populations and gains in neon-like argon (Ar IX),
Journal of Applied Physics, Vol 84, No 11, 5862 (1998)
Dae-Soung Kim and Dong-Eon Kim
The effect of radiation trapping in Ne-like Kr,
Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, Vol 37, No 5, (1998)
Dae-Soung Kim, Baek Il nam and Young Soon Kim
Photoionization Cross Section for Be and Mg
Journal of Korean Physical Society 32, 256 (1998)
Steven T. Manson, Dae-Soung Kim, Hsiao-Ling Zhou, Pranawa C. Deshmukh, and Zikri Altun
Photoabsorption by Inner Shells in the X-ray Ranges
Indian Journal of Physics, B 71B:335-47 (1997)
Baek Il Nam, Dae-Soung Kim and Young Soon Kim
Multiphoton Autoionization of Mg
Journal of Korean Physical Socity 30, 423 (1997)
Steven T. Manson, Zikri Altun, Pranawa C. Deshmukh, Dae-Soung Kim, and Hsiao-Ling Zhou
Modern Studies of Photoabsorption of Atoms and Ions : Recent Theoretical Results,
The Physics of ionized gases, Edited by B. Vujicic, S. Djurovic and J. Puric
(Institute of Physics, Novi Sad, Yugosalavia, 1997) pp. 17-30
Dae-Soung Kim, Young Soon Kim, Hsiao-Ling Zhou and Steven T. Manson
Photoelectron angular distribution of 2p subshell for 1s2s2p 4P state of He-, Li and Be+,
Journal of Physics B, Vol 30, 3379 (1997)
Dae-Soung Kim, Hsiao-Ling Zhou and Steven T. manson
Photodetachment of the 1s2s2p 4P state of He- near 1s threshold
Journal Physics B. Letter : Atoms and Molecules and Optical Physics, Vol 30, L1-L7 (1997)
Dae-Soung Kim, Hsiao-Ling Zhou, and Steven T. Manson
Photodetachment of the 1s2s2p 4P state of He- from threshold to 100 eV
Physical Review A, Vol 55, 414 (1997)
Dae-Soung Kim and Young Soon Kim
Photodetachment Cross Section of Li-
Journal of Korean Physical Society, Vol 29, 703 (1996)
Dae-Soung Kim, Hsiao-Ling Zhou, and Steven T. Manson
Nuclear Charge effect in the photoelectron ejection from the 1s2s2p 4P state of He-, Li and Be+
Journal of Korean Physical Society, Vol 29, 440 (1996)
Hsiao-Ling Zhou, Dae-Soung Kim, Zineb Felfli, and Steven T. Manson
Photoionization of excited Cs 5d state
PhysicalReview A, Vol 47, 4496 (1993)
1) Dae-Soung Kim, Young Soon Kim and Steven T. Manson
Photoionization Cross Section for excited 2s2p 1,3P state of Be
ICPEAC (International Conference on Physics of Electronic and Atomic Collisions), Sendai, Japan (1999)
2) Dae-Soung Kim, Baek-Il Nam and Young Soon Kim
Theoretical Investigations of Photoelectron ejections from ground states of Li- and Be
ZICAP, Amsterdam, Netherlands(1996)
3) Hsiao-Ling Zhou, Dae-Soung Kim, Steven. T. Manson
Photodetachment of the 1s2s2p 4P state of He- : theoretical studies of the 1s2p2 and 2s2p2 resonances
ICPEAC, Ontario, Canata (1995)
4) Hsiao-Ling Zhou, Dae-Soung Kim, Steven. T. Manson, D. Edmonds, C. E. Burkhardt, and J. J. Leventhal
Photoionization of the 6s7p 1P excited state of atomic Barium : A combined theoretical and experimental study
ICPEAC, Ontario, Canada(1995)
5) Dae-Soung Kim, Hsiao-Ling Zhou and Steven T. Manson
Resonances and Cooper Minima in the photodetachment of 1s2s2p 4P state of He-
DAMOP (Division of Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics), Toronto, Canada (1995)